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Physical Aspects of Lagrangian Particle Tracking (DPM)

Posted March 1, 2020 at 06:41 by vinerm
Tags dpm, lagrangian, lpt

This blog is first of the two part blog related to DPM Modeling. It is not to be considered as a professional document. Nor is it meant for those who consider themselves to be expert in DPM. It is meant as a guide for the beginners who want to understand various aspects related to DPM Modeling. Though terminology is meant to be general but it is rather closer to the one used in Fluent. Of course, experts are also welcome to go through it and share their comments.

Assume that there...
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Quick notes on testing optimization flags with OpenFOAM et al

Posted January 20, 2020 at 19:45 by wyldckat

Greetings to all!

Tobi sent me an email earlier today related to this and I might as well leave a public note as well, to share with everyone the suggestions I had... so this is a quick copy-paste-adapt for future reference, until I or anyone else bothers with writing this at

I have no idea yet for the current generation of Ryzen CPUs (Ryzen 3000 series), but I do know of this report for EPYC:
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Mixing of two Fluids

Posted August 16, 2019 at 11:00 by pconen
Updated January 28, 2021 at 06:33 by pconen

Dear Foamers,

I worked at a mixing process.
Here is a example for a model.
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Determination of mixing quality/ uniformity index

Posted August 16, 2019 at 04:10 by pconen
Updated January 28, 2021 at 06:36 by pconen

Dear guys,

for a long time I had problems determining the mixing quality of a mixing line. Now I've come across a usable formula. I would like to share this with you.
It is the degree of uniformity also called uniformity index.
The calculation is cell-based.
U = 1 - (SUM^{N}_{i=1}(Ci-Cm))/(2*N*Cm)
with N cells
and concentration of a cell Ci
and the arythmetic agent Cm
Cm = (SUM^{N}_{i=1}(Ci))/N
The easiest way is to export the...
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Connecting Fortran with VTK - the MPI way

Posted May 24, 2019 at 13:12 by sbaffini (NuTBox)

I wrote a little couple of programs, respectively in Fortran and C++, as a proof of concept for connecting a Fortran program to a sort of visualization server based on VTK. The nice thing is that it uses MPI for the connection, so on the Fortran side nothing new and scary.

The code (you can find it at and the idea strongly predate a similar example in Using Advanced MPI by W. Gropp et al., but makes it more concrete by adding actual visualization...
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