RUnning FIRE from cmd prompt
Posted February 14, 2018 at 01:49 by Nartasan
You can use "fire_cmd --help" to know all the options.
Easier way to get started is to launch the FIRE job from GUI and look for a command in job_setup.log file in case directory.
The FIRE 2017.1 version should have an option to directly submit into queuing system from GUI
Easier way to get started is to launch the FIRE job from GUI and look for a command in job_setup.log file in case directory.
The FIRE 2017.1 version should have an option to directly submit into queuing system from GUI
Hi cfdvenkatesh,
We only have avl2014 installed in our HPC. By the way, I'm mostly using linux environment so I run the simulation in bash.
But now my problem is "time". If I want to run the simulation in my own desktop it takes a few weeks, so I need higher speed. But I'm not sure how to use correct numbers of nodes, cpu's, etc to get the results less than 168 Hours (this is our maximum allowed wall time). Can you help me?
My running scripts are:
#PBS -l nodes=1pn=14
#PBS -l mem=32000MB
#PBS -l walltime=168:00:00
#PBS -j oe
module load avl/2014.1
fire_cmd -name=fire -mpi -cpu=14 -hostlist=localhost,1,MPI -project_dir=###
-project=##.fpr -case=### -solver_vers=v2014 -cfd_mesh=###.msh
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