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Posted July 25, 2015 at 05:14 by LarryHowman

Hi, I've registered as a member to learn more about CFD and indirectly FEA and coding. I have some understanding, but am here as a student of engineering. All of my questions are innocent in origin, and are purely out of curiousity and of wanting to get a better grasp of something I find interesting.
My participation will be sporadic, as I have a young son who takes much of my 'free time', but as I'm doing this mainly for pleasure, there's no rush. I may be impatient at times, as I want to get stuck in, but I'm happy making baby-steps - so long as they are moving forwards .
I look forward to learning from fellow hobbyists, and seasoned pros alike. If I question something you've stated, I'm not making personal attacks, I'm merely trying to understand what it is you've told me.
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  1. Old Comment
    I have to model a packed bed thermal energy storage system.
    In this system i have to change the properties of packed bed like density,porosity,thermal conductivity, heat capacity. I have to change the mass flow rate of heat transfer fluid and also thermo-physical properties of heat transfer fluid like molten salt etc. I have to study the variation of system efficiency with the change of different parameters stated above. Please suggest me how to proceed from the beginning.
    Posted August 16, 2015 at 16:23 by ADK ADK is offline

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