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Prism layers in openFOAM

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Prism layers in openFOAM

Posted November 16, 2016 at 08:36 by kindle
Updated February 23, 2017 at 04:05 by kindle


Originally Posted by Giancarlo_IngChimico View Post
Hi everybody,

does anybody know how to create a mesh with PRIMS instead of HEX in "blocks" in blockMeshDict?
Is there any guide online?
Originally Posted by jango View Post
Hi j-avdeev,

This model (see attached files) I created with a python script. With python you can do parametric modelling and it`s much easier than editing the blockMeshDict by hand. For 3D- boundary layer you can use salome (


Originally Posted by vaina74 View Post
I generated a grid around a blade section with Salome and I want to import it in OpenFOAM. I set the domain boundaries, as in this procedure definition (from the Salome forum):

STEP1 Create groups of faces for all patches (undefined sufaces will became in OpenFOAM as defaultFaces patch). For example, for internal simulation, we need 3 groups: inlet, outlet and walls.

STEP2 Mesh geometry.

STEP3 Create group of faces for mesh. This is done by using Create group command in SMESH module and selecting checkbox faces. In the appeared dialog box we must enter name for group (or patch in OpenFOAM), e.g., inlet, outlet, walls. Then, we must select Group using geometry option and click on interesting group in tree view of meshed solid.

STEP4 Export your mesh to I-DEAS format file (filename.unv). This file should be saved to the root of OpenFOAM case (where directories 0, constant, system).

STEP5 Run utility ideasUnvToFoam. For example, if we are using terminal in case root, we should type:
ideasUnvToFoam filename.unv
STEP6 Check mesh. run:
STEP7 If checkMesh reports no error, change dimensions. To convert from mm to m, we must type
transformPoints -scale '(0.001 0.001 0.001)'
STEP8 Change physical boundaris: enter file constant/polyMesh/boundaries and edit entries according to your case

I have a problem. At STEP5 I obtain:

| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  1.6                                   |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build  : 1.6-53b7f692aa41
Exec   : ideasUnvToFoam mesh.unv
Date   : Mar 21 2010
Time   : 14:40:56
Host   : giulia-laptop
PID    : 7755
Case   : /home/giulia/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6/run/hydrofoil
nProcs : 1
SigFpe : Enabling floating point exception trapping (FOAM_SIGFPE).

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

cannot open file

file: /home/giulia/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6/run/hydrofoil/system/controlDict at line 0.

    From function regIOobject::readStream()
    in file db/regIOobject/regIOobjectRead.C at line 62.

FOAM exiting
Can you help me, please?
Gambit with prism-layer?

Originally Posted by lillberg View Post
Try something smaller than 90 deg feature angle since it represents the maximum angle between two neighboring surface normals on a surface without corners. That is, the mesh will consider your surface shape a corner if the angel is larger than this value. I typically use something between 45 and 80 depending on the tet mesh resolution on highly curved surfaces. This might be the root of your problem. Looking at my picture the curved surface in the middle would (wrongly) be treated as a corner if the feature angle was set to some 30 deg. Here I used 75 degrees, but anything abowe 45 usually works. In your case virtually no corners are treated as such.

I often use Gambit or T-grid for tet/hex + tet-prism b-layer mesh generation and then convert the mesh using polyDualMesh. The result is in the picture.

Good luck!


Originally Posted by linnemann View Post

What I would do.

Create a 2D tet mesh for all the patches (just as you have before just without volume mesh and no 2d hex) and then right-click the mesh and export to STL.

Then use the STL in engrid and create a prismatic boundary mesh where your hull is. Do this right and you will get as good results, since the prismatic boundary mesh captures the BL (guessing that's what you want) as good as Hexes.

Engrid has the possibility to export directly to OpenFOAM and even with polyhedra mesh, and polys give a good solution from my experience.

So you will have a prismatic BL at the patches you choose in engrid and you get the nice polyhedra cells in the volume = win-win :-)

Just what I would do.
Posted in Pre-processing
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