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Anyoon Rotary engine

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Anyoon Rotary engine

Posted January 11, 2010 at 11:42 by dijinj

I had invented a rotary engine with efficiency of more than 79%. The new rotary engine achieves this by implementing both constant volume heat addition, water injection for cooling and Atkinson Cycle. Implementation of constant volume heat addition is considered to be a holy grail in IC engine design and Constant volume heat addition can provide 50% more power and there by efficiency over existing engines (assuming efficiency of existing engines is 30%) while using same amount of fuel(Ref: ‘Design and Simulation of 4-Stroke Engines’ by SAE press – page 81; Author Gordon P. Blair). Another 30% improvement in efficiency can be achieved by implementing higher expansion ratio (Atkinson cycle) another 80% improvement by water injection( by reducing 50% of cooling loss and 30% of exhaust loss. Also reduces disassociation loss). Assuming the efficiency of current petrol engine is 30%; new engine can provide efficiency of 79%. To deal with sealing problem I have invented a new sealing system which provides 3D sealing. The new sealing system uses a microcellular rubber strips at the bottom of the metallic seals so that it seals both upper and bottom part of the seals.
A patent has been granted for my concept. I had submitted the drawings and relevant details to the Head of Mechanical Department, Cochin University of Science and Technology, who was kind enough to give me a recommendation letter. Ex-President of India (Dr. Abdul Kalam Azad) appreciated my concept through an Email. A Highly regarded magazine “Engine Technology International" published a technical piece on new concept engine with the Title "Rotor Revolution”.
I will make my concept well known to you. detais are in site
In the period of a economic disaster low cost design structure of engine like Anyoon rotary engine would be a better alternative for costly fuel cells and lithium ion batteries because of their huge development costs. In the period of rising petroleum prices a highly efficient engine like the proposed concept has a very important role to play in order to reduce the skyrocketing living expense of every common man; also eliminate the chance of another economic disaster worldwide and give reasonable time for hydrogen economy to evolve.
Theoretical limit of Carnote efficiency for IC engines can be overcame by injecting water for cooling by using this method even 100% efficiency is possible. Max torque in expansion stroke can be increased by making exhaust side flat and using electro magnetic actuators for operating exhaust valve. Then initial torque in a 108cc engine will be 60mm X 30mm X 60bar X 80mm (length X width X pressure X radius). If you need I can submit the Drawings and 3D IGES model of the engine.

Note: Since we have control over injected water suitable additives can be added to prevent corrosion like alkaline materials to neutralize acid formation. and other additives to remove salts.

However if you are not convinced about the viability of my rotary engine concept, please let me know. I will try my best to clarify.
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