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OpenFOAM Installation for Multiple Users

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OpenFOAM Installation for Multiple Users

Posted March 9, 2013 at 09:26 by Hisham
Updated March 10, 2013 at 10:47 by Hisham

If OpenFOAM was installed on a single user account using the OpenCFD binaries then for another user to have access to it is very simple. All one needs to do is to add an alias of the installation in the new user's .bashrc file

OFver='source /opt/openfoamver/etc/bashrc'
If, on the other hand, OpenFOAM (or OpenFOAM-ext) was compiled on a user account (say the user name is MrX) and a new user (MrY) wants to use the same installation, then:

1. MrX must make sure that MrY has read access to the OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-ver directory (an openfoam group would be a good idea or open read access to others). In this case MrX will be the one responsible for compiling any custom solvers. Else, read-write access should be given on the whole OpenFOAM directory to MrY.

2. MrX has to change the OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-ver/etc/bashrc file to change the relative path $HOME to the absolute path /home/MrX throughout the file (3 times)

3. MrY can now make an alias in his .bashrc file like:

OFver='source /home/MrX/openfoamver/etc/bashrc'
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  1. Old Comment
    Hi Hisham,

    Nice blog post! I've been meaning to do a blog post similar to this one (actually, to write a wiki page on the topic), but I haven't found the time for it yet.
    So I'll take the opportunity to leave some helpful comments
    Best regards,
    Posted March 10, 2013 at 08:14 by wyldckat wyldckat is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Hisham's Avatar
    Thanks a lot Bruno. The post has been corrected
    Posted March 10, 2013 at 10:48 by Hisham Hisham is offline

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