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MRF mesh generation using snappyHexMesh

Posted November 11, 2010 at 09:28 by amgode

Generating a mesh with a MRF region using snappyHexMesh:

-- using cylinder option (primitive shape available in OF-1.6 and above) and defining it in the geometry sub-dictionary in snappyHexMeshDict

type searchableCylinder;
point1 (0 0 10);
point2 (0 0 20);
radius 10;

Using this as a refinement surface and obtaining the cells inside as a MRF cellZone.

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2D mesh using snappyHexMesh

Posted November 11, 2010 at 09:01 by amgode

Compiled from forum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To generate a 2D mesh using snappyHexMesh: Its an indirect way but at times can be helpful. The following steps need to be considered:

1. Generate the snappyHexMesh with empty patches but with more than one cell between them.

2. Using the above mesh as a source extrude one of the empty patch in the normal direction with a single cell. This would result in a mesh with only two or three patches.

3. Using the autoPatch...
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