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Simulation Of Water Leaving a Pipe With Multiple Distribution Holes At A Volume Flow

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Old   February 15, 2023, 07:48
Default Simulation Of Water Leaving a Pipe With Multiple Distribution Holes At A Volume Flow
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Danny McDermott
Join Date: Feb 2023
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Hello everyone, I am working on a project of a water distribution tube, The pipe would have a volume flow entering at the pipe at one end and is blocked the other end. The pipe would have a line of distribution holes where the water would leave to atmosphere.

I am trying to establish the flow leaving each of the holes, I have a simulation that runs, but am experiencing negative flows at some of the outlet holes, and positives at some of the others.

Would anyone done a simulation like this, or could someone have a look at my simulation and pass comments. I am fairly new to the software.
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Old   April 14, 2023, 08:21
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simiritipandey is on a distinguished road
To simulate water leaving a pipe with multiple distribution holes and calculate the volume flow, you can use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, such as ANSYS Fluent, OpenFOAM, or COMSOL Multiphysics. Here are the general steps to perform the simulation:

Define the geometry: Create a 3D model of the pipe with multiple distribution holes using a CAD software. Specify the dimensions, shapes, and locations of the holes.

Mesh generation: Generate a suitable mesh for the geometry to discretize it into smaller elements for numerical computation. Choose an appropriate mesh size and type to accurately capture the flow behavior near the distribution holes.

Specify boundary conditions: Define the inlet boundary condition for the pipe, such as the velocity or pressure of the incoming water. Specify the outlet boundary condition, which could be a pressure boundary or a free surface boundary.

Define the fluid properties: Specify the properties of the water, such as density, viscosity, and thermal properties, as input for the simulation.

Set up the simulation: Define the simulation parameters, such as time step, solver type, and convergence criteria. Choose a suitable turbulence model, if applicable, to capture the turbulence effects in the flow.

Run the simulation: Start the simulation and let it converge to a steady state or transient solution. Monitor the convergence and adjust the simulation parameters if necessary.

Post-process the results: Once the simulation is completed, analyze the results to obtain the volume flow rate at each distribution hole. You can use post-processing tools in the CFD software to visualize the flow behavior, extract quantitative data, and generate plots or reports.

Note: The specific steps and options may vary depending on the CFD software you are using. It's important to refer to the software's documentation and tutorials for detailed instructions on how to perform the simulation. Additionally, validation of the simulation results with experimental data or other reference sources is recommended to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the simulation.
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