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Old   August 28, 2017, 18:16
Default CFD newbie
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I have chosen to study about which designs of grid fins (triangular or rectangular) and which material (titanium or aluminum) allow the fin to perform better/sustain higher stress at a higher AOA more efficiently(measuring temperature and stress).

So, this means I have to learn CFD, which I currently am. What I am wondering is, will CFD allow me to see which design is better by comparing the temperature/stress points on the grid fin, and if so, how can I set up the environment to simulate it going through different Mach speeds (7, 5, 2, and 0.2 specifically)?

What specific inputs are needed to get accurate data in the environment or CAD design (I know there's a lot of inputs like mesh, viscosity, conductivity, specific heat ect)? Or some variables I have no idea on measuring like temperature in the atmosphere.

I know this is a lot, but any help would be great.
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Old   August 29, 2017, 08:49
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This is advanced stuff, even for experienced CFD people. There is a lot of theory involved in this and a lot can go wrong on the CFD site. I would stronlgy suggest as you say you are a CFD newbie to simplify the problem first and try to obtain some form of validation data to asses the CFD results. Frictional heat, fluid solid interaction, conjugated heat transfer, compressibilty, shock etc. is highly advanced. I would start with subsonic, incompressible. This should give first qualitative impressions for the designs. Is the goal to obtain drag forces here maybe?
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Old   August 29, 2017, 15:10
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Originally Posted by BlnPhoenix View Post
This is advanced stuff, even for experienced CFD people. There is a lot of theory involved in this and a lot can go wrong on the CFD site. I would stronlgy suggest as you say you are a CFD newbie to simplify the problem first and try to obtain some form of validation data to asses the CFD results. Frictional heat, fluid solid interaction, conjugated heat transfer, compressibilty, shock etc. is highly advanced. I would start with subsonic, incompressible. This should give first qualitative impressions for the designs. Is the goal to obtain drag forces here maybe?
The problem with starting with subsonic is that the grid fins don't really perform well at subsonic. and also, like i have said above, I have no idea how to really see if the program can successful simulate going subsonic or in compressible.

Last edited by Harvey; August 29, 2017 at 22:53.
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Old   August 30, 2017, 04:05
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I'm not really sure what your aiming at with your posts. Are you asking if in general it is possible to simulate this stuff, if so, yes it is possible and it's done. If you're asking if Autodesk is capeable, im not quite sure how good this software is at supersonic stuff and the like. Ask at Autodesk for benchmarks.

If you're asking how well your simulation is in the end, i mentioned that you will need validation data, without that i would not even concider simulating anything.

Good luck.
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