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Modeling the flow domain in Icepak

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Old   April 11, 2011, 09:28
Exclamation Modeling the flow domain in Icepak
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saisanthoshm88 is on a distinguished road
Firstly Excuse me for posting a thread on Icepak on this forum. But indeed i'm a newbie user to Icepak and I had a very basic question which I thought to get an answer even from the Flowtherm users as there isn't a se[erate forum for Icepak. So please reply to it and help me advance better.

The following is the question I had:

The “Cabinet” is said to define the flow domain of interest in Icepak but it may not be the case with every geometry that the fluid domain is simply a cuboid which can be realized just merely by resizing the cabinet.

I had some exposure to ICEM CFD where the flow domain is defined by a material point (or the block that captures the CAD geometry) what is the kind of analogy Icepak likely applies to model the flow domain

For instance consider a CAD geometry as a cuboid on top of which there is a cylindrical passage for air to enter. In this case how do we model the flow domain in Icepak

Can some one please help me out
Best regards,
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Old   December 12, 2011, 01:20
Default RE: Modeling fluid domain in Icepak
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Bangalore, India
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Jupudi.pramodh is on a distinguished road
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Icepak is basically a software module specialised for simulating the Electronic device cooing systems, where in most of the cases, the outer enclosure is made of regular cuboidal geometries.
The probable answer for the query might be:
As long as you define any boundary conditions on the cabinet in Icepak, it considers all the faces of cabinet as a wall. For your case, in which the cabinet is a cuboid with a cylindrical opening for air inlet, there are two possible solutions,
1. You can make use of the Icepak standard component OPENING and change the geometry as a circle and position it on the cabinet wall.
2. If you are interested in simulating the room domain as well as your enclosure, resize the cabinet with large dimensions and create the system enclosure with Icepak standard component ENCLOSURE and resize it as per the requirement, and over that an opening can be provided as explained in the 1st method and if channelized air inlet is a concern, model a cylindrical block at the location, specifying the inner radius of the channel.
Best Regards,
Pramodh Jupudi
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