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ANSYS Workbench mesh crashes (ANSYSWBU.exe problem)

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Old   December 1, 2012, 20:02
Default ANSYSWBU crashed on startup
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I am having the same problem as Kernoth where the geometry editor crashes on start up.

Also when I try to mesh a imported solidworks assembly file and try to open up the meshing tool workbench says it has started meshing but there is no cpu load, and no application opens up. I think this maybe because of this of the inability to open the geometry editor.

I have tried both adding a new environmental variable and changing the name of the folders. The both don't work, in the case of changing the name of the folders, everything disappears from my toolbox so I have changed it back.

Additionally I have an ATI cards in crossfire and I have moved all the sliders to the left as suggested in the application 3D settings.

Can someone please help? This has been going on since when I first install ansys (today). I have attached my error dump file.
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Old   December 3, 2012, 15:46
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Originally Posted by sunliang View Post
Hi Mask,
I'm a new learner and face the same problem. I tried these ways as you said, but they din't work. Could you give me some other advices? Thanks a lot.
Hi sunliang,

need more information about your problem.

This error may occur in different cases, therefor need more information about your system, and what was you doing before error (install windows update or etc).
The error happens then you start ansys or ansys geometry/mesh?

Maybe this theme not explained your problem, because your have other cause (reason).
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Old   January 28, 2013, 06:31
Thumbs up Thank you so so so much
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Thank you so so so much
it was my problem for more than two week

Originally Posted by Maks001 View Post
Hello everyone!

Recently I recive a very strange / unusual problem / error, which, luckily, was solved (at the same time thanks to Google and people who also helped in the decision, giving recommendations). I want to help people and decided to describe the problem more completly.

It happened with Ansys 13 after install the update for Windows 7 x64 (see attached):

appear a fast window that say “ansyswbu.exe encountered problem”

ANSYSWBU.exe encountered a problem. A diagnostic file has been written: C:\...\Temp\AnsysWBDumpFile.dmp.

Of course, for those who have turned on System Restore in Control Panel \ All Control Panel Items \ System \ System Protection, you can simply select the restore point, recorded before "these" updates, and everything will work fine. But for those who have been turned off System Restore, the banal removing updates will not help, because Ansys files have been changed.

Also, you can simply restore the system, but why?
If there is more simple and quick solution.

Based on this forum, the below link and my own experience:

1) Many people are advised to do the following:
Install the System environment variable ANS_OLD_ATTACH = 1

Advanced system settings / Environment variables
On System variables select -> New
On variable name -> ANS_OLD_ATTACH
On variable value -> 1

2) But sometimes that does not work (or does not help everyone):
This error is related to the fact that the operating system when you install the updates (for windows) changed the files belonging to the program Ansys, and located in the "My Documents" at:


To remove the error simply rename the folder "Ansys", eg, "_Ansys". As a result of this operation, the software Ansys, will recreate the directory at (C: \ Users \ UserName \ AppData \ Roaming \ Ansys) with default parameters and the error will disappear.

Also, Ansys, each time creating at "C: \ ... \ Temp \" multiple files / directories, they can also be safely removed, although their removal does not resolve problem, also typically, this folder is cleared after a system restart because it stores the temporary parameters (just the one person by the link above also recommends do it).

Quote of the man which also decided to the problem (from link above):

Best regards,
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Old   February 6, 2013, 10:35
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how to model hollow block slab on ansys ver 13?
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Old   May 4, 2013, 15:21
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It works for me. Thanks a bunch.

Originally Posted by Sal View Post

this is the message you got:-
‘ANSYSWBU.exe encountered a problem. A diagnostic file has been written’:

On the WB messages also it says:
‘Unable to attach the geometry file... An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host’.

Attaching geometry occurs if the mesh was created when the machine is on network (or connected to Ethernet switch).

To avoid this happening we simply set the environment variable ANS_OLD_ATTACH = 1.


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Old   June 19, 2013, 17:16
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fr33m4n is on a distinguished road
I had the same problem and resolve it with a new user profil in windows.
Rename the profil user to create or regenerate a new one.
I try to practice solution you give but they didn't work in my case.
When i try with another user profile, Workbench works well ...
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Old   July 6, 2013, 09:46
Default I have the exactly same problem!
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Originally Posted by cajer View Post
I am having the same problem as Kernoth where the geometry editor crashes on start up.

Also when I try to mesh a imported solidworks assembly file and try to open up the meshing tool workbench says it has started meshing but there is no cpu load, and no application opens up. I think this maybe because of this of the inability to open the geometry editor.

I have tried both adding a new environmental variable and changing the name of the folders. The both don't work, in the case of changing the name of the folders, everything disappears from my toolbox so I have changed it back.

Additionally I have an ATI cards in crossfire and I have moved all the sliders to the left as suggested in the application 3D settings.

Can someone please help? This has been going on since when I first install ansys (today). I have attached my error dump file.
Do you solve this problem now? In fact I installed ANSYS13.0 before,but failed,so I tried again. This time I finished installation, but always have problem when I open the geometry,showing:"ANSYSWBU.exe encountered a problem. A diagnostic file has been written…"
Need help,sincerely……
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Old   July 7, 2014, 16:59
Default ANSYSWBU.exe problem
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I'm using Ansys 15.0 and windows7 64bit, seems to be the only combination having this problem. After two weeks I finally found a solution. You might need some experties to adapt it to your case depending on your version of Ansys and type of windows 7.

Here is it

Check to make sure the following folders exist

Press your "start" button and type "cmd" (Command Prompt DOS) right click and run as administrator'.
You should have "c:\windows\system32>_" in the black window

Type in the following one after the other and press enter.

regsvr32.exe ole32.dll
regsvr32.exe atl.dll
regsvr32.exe oleaut32.dll
regsvr32.exe scrrun.dll

regsvr32.exe jscript.dll

regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll

Between step 2 and 3, you might have to restart your system OR use the task manager. When you open the task manager, end every process related to ansys (hint: they will usually be at the top and ansys will be visible in the name and/or descripition section Under "processes" tab in the task bar.

Rename v150 from %APPDATA%\ansys\v150 to v150.old (where %APPDATA% is where your APPDATA variable is set to - 'Just type %APPDATA% in the Explorer Address bar' and it will take you there).
Rename .ansys from %TEMP% to old.ansys (same as above, just type: %TEMP% in the address bar)

Run the ProductConfig.exe from C:\Program Files\ANSYSInc\v150\commonfiles\tools\winx64
and configure the application again, by right-clicking the productconfig.exe file and select 'Run as Administrator',
First click on "Add .Net security exception for ANSYS, Inc products"
Secondly click on "configure products" and select everything..

Run the CLIENT ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility > Set license preferences for user... > v150 and make sure that the license options are set correctly here, (license order you want to have and that is showing the features you will use with ANSYS), so that the new preferences file is created.

Check the graphics driver for the card installed on the machine and make sure it is running the latest driver. If not, update the driver.

Many part of this tread has offered the solution prescribed here in bits, essentially this is everything combined together.

Enjoy Ansys.

Last edited by ntech; July 8, 2014 at 03:20. Reason: left out something
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Old   July 9, 2014, 17:28
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soumyajit das
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thanks ntech ... it worked
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Old   July 15, 2014, 13:09
Default Ansys 15.0 + Win. 8.0 + AnsysWBU.exe
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I'm using Ansys 15.0 (64 bit)+ Win. 8.0 in my laptop.
I did what you described. But I faced with some error in the stage 2 as follow

Also, I've installed Ansys 11.0 (32 bit) in my laptop and Ansys 14 (32 bit) in my PC. But those are working very well. If you help me, I will thankful.

Originally Posted by ntech View Post
I'm using Ansys 15.0 and windows7 64bit, seems to be the only combination having this problem. After two weeks I finally found a solution. You might need some experties to adapt it to your case depending on your version of Ansys and type of windows 7.

Here is it

Check to make sure the following folders exist

Press your "start" button and type "cmd" (Command Prompt DOS) right click and run as administrator'.
You should have "c:\windows\system32>_" in the black window

Type in the following one after the other and press enter.

regsvr32.exe ole32.dll
regsvr32.exe atl.dll
regsvr32.exe oleaut32.dll
regsvr32.exe scrrun.dll

regsvr32.exe jscript.dll

regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll

if this tread has offered the solution prescribed here in bits, essentially this is everything combined together.

Enjoy Ansys.
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Old   August 28, 2014, 12:43
Default Crash problem
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Hi everybody,

I am currently trying to install the 15.0.7 version of Ansys on my new computer win 64 bits.

On my previous machine I have the version 13.0. My calcultation works well on my previous machine but since I try my project in the v15.0 on the new one, the calculation does all the steps and once ended, the software crashes when it is evaluating the results.

Did anyone have the same issue and resolve it ? I tried some of the different proposal on the topic but nothing works.

For information the error information of the computer give me this information (in french sorry) :

« Nom de l’application défaillante AnsysWBU.exe, version : 15.2014.111.1, horodatage : 0x53597dda
Nom du module défaillant : Ans.Post.ResultReaderPlugInANSYSCOM.dll, version : 15.2014.111.1, horodatage : 0x535981e3 »

Thank you !
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Old   December 8, 2014, 12:45
Default Tank you!!!!!!
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it worked!!!
((Advanced system settings / Environment variables
On System variables select -> New
On variable name -> ANS_OLD_ATTACH
On variable value -> 1
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Old   March 10, 2015, 19:28
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Originally Posted by ntech View Post
I'm using Ansys 15.0 and windows7 64bit, seems to be the only combination having this problem. After two weeks I finally found a solution. You might need some experties to adapt it to your case depending on your version of Ansys and type of windows 7.

Here is it

Check to make sure the following folders exist

Press your "start" button and type "cmd" (Command Prompt DOS) right click and run as administrator'.
You should have "c:\windows\system32>_" in the black window

Type in the following one after the other and press enter.

regsvr32.exe ole32.dll
regsvr32.exe atl.dll
regsvr32.exe oleaut32.dll
regsvr32.exe scrrun.dll

regsvr32.exe jscript.dll

regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll

Between step 2 and 3, you might have to restart your system OR use the task manager. When you open the task manager, end every process related to ansys (hint: they will usually be at the top and ansys will be visible in the name and/or descripition section Under "processes" tab in the task bar.

Rename v150 from %APPDATA%\ansys\v150 to v150.old (where %APPDATA% is where your APPDATA variable is set to - 'Just type %APPDATA% in the Explorer Address bar' and it will take you there).
Rename .ansys from %TEMP% to old.ansys (same as above, just type: %TEMP% in the address bar)

Run the ProductConfig.exe from C:\Program Files\ANSYSInc\v150\commonfiles\tools\winx64
and configure the application again, by right-clicking the productconfig.exe file and select 'Run as Administrator',
First click on "Add .Net security exception for ANSYS, Inc products"
Secondly click on "configure products" and select everything..

Run the CLIENT ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility > Set license preferences for user... > v150 and make sure that the license options are set correctly here, (license order you want to have and that is showing the features you will use with ANSYS), so that the new preferences file is created.

Check the graphics driver for the card installed on the machine and make sure it is running the latest driver. If not, update the driver.

Many part of this tread has offered the solution prescribed here in bits, essentially this is everything combined together.

Enjoy Ansys.
Thanks very much for your big knowledge in this area. I've just solved a problem with AnsysWBU.exe file.
Are you IT specialist or you have large experience in configure this kind of problems?
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Old   October 27, 2015, 08:19
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I also have similar problem when I tried to use DesignModeler.
When I try to start DesignModeler, it won't appear any response and without any error message.
I have tried every suggestion above, but the program still doesn't work.
Fortunately, I try to deactive the UAC funtion of Win7, and It works!

My platform is Win7 Ultimate 32bit, and run Ansys12.1.

Below is how to deactive UAC function of Win7.
In my case, I drag the slider down to the position "Never notify".
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Old   November 6, 2015, 13:18
Default ANSYSWBU.exe error
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I am facing problem to open ansys workbench . message "AnsysWBU.exe encountered a problem.
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Old   November 28, 2015, 00:31
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The method described by MASK01 works well :

"This error is related to the fact that the operating system when you install the updates (for windows) changed the files belonging to the program Ansys, and located in the "My Documents" at:


To remove the error simply rename the folder "Ansys", eg, "_Ansys". As a result of this operation, the software Ansys, will recreate the directory at (C: \ Users \ UserName \ AppData \ Roaming \ Ansys) with default parameters and the error will disappear."
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Old   December 13, 2015, 05:53
Default 'AnsysWB module has stopped working' mesher error
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In my case it was a problem of interference ANSYSWBU.exe with program for sound driver 'Nahimic for MSI'. The error was disappeared when I removed 'Nahimic.exe' from autorun. The challenge was hard...

System description:
Laptop MSI GE62
CPU Core i7 5700-HQ
RAM 16 Gb
OS Windows 10 Home
Ansys WB 16.0.
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Old   May 19, 2016, 01:21
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Originally Posted by ntech View Post
I'm using Ansys 15.0 and windows7 64bit, seems to be the only combination having this problem. After two weeks I finally found a solution. You might need some experties to adapt it to your case depending on your version of Ansys and type of windows 7.

Here is it

Check to make sure the following folders exist

Press your "start" button and type "cmd" (Command Prompt DOS) right click and run as administrator'.
You should have "c:\windows\system32>_" in the black window

Type in the following one after the other and press enter.

regsvr32.exe ole32.dll
regsvr32.exe atl.dll
regsvr32.exe oleaut32.dll
regsvr32.exe scrrun.dll

regsvr32.exe jscript.dll

regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll

Between step 2 and 3, you might have to restart your system OR use the task manager. When you open the task manager, end every process related to ansys (hint: they will usually be at the top and ansys will be visible in the name and/or descripition section Under "processes" tab in the task bar.

Rename v150 from %APPDATA%\ansys\v150 to v150.old (where %APPDATA% is where your APPDATA variable is set to - 'Just type %APPDATA% in the Explorer Address bar' and it will take you there).
Rename .ansys from %TEMP% to old.ansys (same as above, just type: %TEMP% in the address bar)

Run the ProductConfig.exe from C:\Program Files\ANSYSInc\v150\commonfiles\tools\winx64
and configure the application again, by right-clicking the productconfig.exe file and select 'Run as Administrator',
First click on "Add .Net security exception for ANSYS, Inc products"
Secondly click on "configure products" and select everything..

Run the CLIENT ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility > Set license preferences for user... > v150 and make sure that the license options are set correctly here, (license order you want to have and that is showing the features you will use with ANSYS), so that the new preferences file is created.

Check the graphics driver for the card installed on the machine and make sure it is running the latest driver. If not, update the driver.

Many part of this tread has offered the solution prescribed here in bits, essentially this is everything combined together.

Enjoy Ansys.
Could you please resolve this problem as well.I am getting an error called "the mechanical Wizard could not be loaded from the URL specified in the options".
But my Ansys works perfectly.Please help me in removing this problem.

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Old   July 11, 2016, 04:25
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Originally Posted by ntech View Post
I'm using Ansys 15.0 and windows7 64bit, seems to be the only combination having this problem. After two weeks I finally found a solution. You might need some experties to adapt it to your case depending on your version of Ansys and type of windows 7.

Here is it

Check to make sure the following folders exist

Press your "start" button and type "cmd" (Command Prompt DOS) right click and run as administrator'.
You should have "c:\windows\system32>_" in the black window

Type in the following one after the other and press enter.

regsvr32.exe ole32.dll
regsvr32.exe atl.dll
regsvr32.exe oleaut32.dll
regsvr32.exe scrrun.dll

regsvr32.exe jscript.dll

regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll

Between step 2 and 3, you might have to restart your system OR use the task manager. When you open the task manager, end every process related to ansys (hint: they will usually be at the top and ansys will be visible in the name and/or descripition section Under "processes" tab in the task bar.

Rename v150 from %APPDATA%\ansys\v150 to v150.old (where %APPDATA% is where your APPDATA variable is set to - 'Just type %APPDATA% in the Explorer Address bar' and it will take you there).
Rename .ansys from %TEMP% to old.ansys (same as above, just type: %TEMP% in the address bar)

Run the ProductConfig.exe from C:\Program Files\ANSYSInc\v150\commonfiles\tools\winx64
and configure the application again, by right-clicking the productconfig.exe file and select 'Run as Administrator',
First click on "Add .Net security exception for ANSYS, Inc products"
Secondly click on "configure products" and select everything..

Run the CLIENT ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility > Set license preferences for user... > v150 and make sure that the license options are set correctly here, (license order you want to have and that is showing the features you will use with ANSYS), so that the new preferences file is created.

Check the graphics driver for the card installed on the machine and make sure it is running the latest driver. If not, update the driver.

Many part of this tread has offered the solution prescribed here in bits, essentially this is everything combined together.

Enjoy Ansys.
Thank you very much, ntech! I solved my problem by following your suggestions.
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Old   August 2, 2016, 04:42
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Hello!! I have the same problem. I start the Ansys 12.1, but when I start the DesignModeler or Mesh appears:

AnsysWBU.exe encountered a problem. A diagnostic file has been written:

I did everything that you said in the post: update drivers, install the environment variable ANS_OLD_ATTACH...and I work without Ethernet and I don't know what do! please help me!

sogold - sua bep hong ngoai - ve xe di campuchia gia re - sua bep tu tphcm

Last edited by sogold; August 18, 2016 at 12:23.
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