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stress analysis of a rotating beam(wind blade)

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Old   October 19, 2009, 18:06
Unhappy stress analysis of a rotating beam(wind blade)
New Member
Xiaoyan Lu
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 5
Rep Power: 17
Cheyannne is on a distinguished road
I am doing my research of stress analysis for a composite rotating beam. As a beginner, I started to do stress analysis for an isotropic rotating beam first. But I am having a lot of trouble of it.
The gravity have to be considered. As the beam rotates, the contribution of gravity force to the stress varies. The blade is rotating in a vertical plane like a regular wind blade. In the beginning, I tried to simulate it using transient analysis in Ansys, but it didn't work--somehow, the blade can not go through a full revolution.
Then I tried steady static analysis and assume the blade rotates in a constant angular velocity. And changes the direction of gravity force in stead to simulate the blade in different position while rotating. It can be solved, but the bending directions seem wrong. The blade always bend to the oppsite direction of the gravity force. I used 'Acel' to define the gravity acceleration. And accoding to the tutorial of Ansys. The direction of it must be definced in the negative direction of gravity acceleration. I thought the problem might be this. But I was doing according to the Ansys tutorial.
Can anyboby tell me where did I miss? How should I hadle this problem? Any further questions , please let me know. I appreciate your time and patience. Thanks a lot!

Last edited by Cheyannne; October 20, 2009 at 13:39.
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rotating beam, stress analysis, wind blade

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