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Mag. field around thin copper tape

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Old   October 6, 2023, 05:51
Default Mag. field around thin copper tape
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Join Date: Sep 2023
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Dear Community,

I am looking for help with simulating the behavior of a magnetic field around a thin copper tape, including within the tape itself. Here are the relevant dimensions:

  • Tape bending radius: 18.5mm
  • Thickness: 0.1mm
  • Height: 4mm

One face of the tape is grounded, while a current of 100 A is applied to the other face. For a clearer understanding of the setup, I made a visualization visualization (please note that the air enclosure is notincluded here):
the problem setup.png

I have encountered an issue during the simulation. The magnetic field inside the tape remains consistently weak, as depicted in the following images:

Solution tape zoomed in.jpgSolution section plane.jpgSolution.jpg

I have a couple of questions:

  1. What could I be doing wrong in my simulation? Should I consider increasing the number of mesh divisions within the tape?
  2. I attempted to increase the number of divisions inside the tape, but I encountered errors when exceeding 15 divisions. The error message received was as follows:
    Error: An error occurred during sweeping meshing a face. Changing element sizing parameters might help.
    Warning: Quad map meshing failed on one or more surfaces. A surface could be narrow with many boundary edges which may not have been properly paired up for meshing. Using hard size controls on the boundary edges to force the same number of divisions might help.
    Error: A mesh could not be generated using the current meshing options and settings.
    How can I overcome this limitation and increase the number of layers beyond 15?
I have included the entire project in a .wbpz file, which can be accessed via the following link: Project File.

Thank you!
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Old   October 6, 2023, 17:49
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Join Date: Sep 2023
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nrbrt is on a distinguished road
After a while with a little help I get it. This is a normal behavior of mag. field inside a conductor itself.
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