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Where and how do I specify the necking effect for steel?

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Old   June 7, 2023, 08:16
Default Where and how do I specify the necking effect for steel?
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Patricia S
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I am modelling a shear stud group connection in reinforced concrete and would like to specify the necking effect in ANSYS 2021R2 Workbench Technical Data. I am working through the Static Structural Analysis System. Is it possible to use the Damage tool here? It is not clear to me what I have to enter in Damage Initiation Criteria to make it work. *
The head bolts have the following engineering material properties (I know that I have to calculate the true values first):
Yield strength R_p0.2 = 456 MPa
Maximum tensile strength R_m = 519 MPa*
Breaking elongation A = 24 %
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Old   June 7, 2023, 11:40
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I'm not entirely sure what you are asking, but I would make a true stress strain curve, and input in it material properties under "multilinear kinematic hardening". NOTE: In your table of true stress vs true strain, the first point must have 0 plastic strain, this would be your elastic limit. In the analysis, activate non-linear geometry by setting "large deformation" to YES in mechanical under the analysis settings.
That's as far as my knowledge goes, I've never used any damage tools or anything like that.
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damage, how to, necking, properties, steel

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