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001100279 has occurred in subroutine erraction

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Old   April 6, 2022, 00:15
Default 001100279 has occurred in subroutine erraction
New Member
hang yang
Join Date: Apr 2022
Posts: 17
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yhddd is on a distinguished road
I am running a simulation, first of all, you can take a look at my error message:

First, he prompted me at the beginning of the calculation
Topology simplification is avtivated with the following restrictions:
—mesh regions referenced only within user fortran an Not in command flie will cause the solver to stop
—the solver will stop during any "Edit Run in progress" stop if new 2D regions are refereced.

Then, after two iterations, it reports an error:
ERROR #001100279 has occirred in subroutine ErrAction.
c_fpx_handler:Floating point exceptionverflow

ERROR #001100279 has occirred in subroutine ErrAction.
Stopped in routine FPX:c_fpx_handler

An error has occured in cfx5solver:
The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 2.No results file has been created.

Here is my simulation:
First, the transient simulation I calculated was for two-phase flow, and I wanted to initialize the phase volume fraction and static pressure using CEL language. The two phases were water and air. The two phases are water and air.

CEL is as follows:
Air volume fraction: step(z/1[m]-0.98-3.005)
Water phase volume fraction: step(0.98-z/1[m]+3.005)
Static pressure: 997[kg/m^3]*g*(0.98[m]-z+3.005[m])*vfwater
CFX does not indicate any error.

However, I found that the above error will occur when I use CEL language. If I do not use CEL language and let the water volume fraction of the entire computation domain is 1, the error will not be reported. Or when I use serial, I don't get an error.

Does anyone know the reason and the solution?
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