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converting 2D axissymetric solution to 3D cartesian data

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Old   January 24, 2022, 10:54
Default converting 2D axissymetric solution to 3D cartesian data
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Thank you for taking your time to check out my question. I'm having troubles figuring out how I can export 3D data on a cartesian mesh from a 2D axissymetric solution ran in Fluent. Using CFD-post I cannot figure it out. The idea is to export a csv file containing some flow parameters on a cartesian mesh where the same cell size is used as the 2D solution with an extra Z component which has the same cellwidth dz(=dy=dx).

For example the 2D domain is 700x100 cells which I am able to export without a problem. However I want a rectangular 3D domain that is completely defined so there are parts of the cilinder that are obsolete. E.g Figure 1: the green line indicating the 2D solution has a height of 100 cells, making the required 3D mesh height and width sqrt(2)*100 = 141 cells (the red lines).

So ideally I want to export 701*142*142 nodes and their corresponding flow parameters. Tried multiple things thinking that I would at least get the solution on the complete domain using this and then interpolate myself but I get the same output file when I choose Volume 1 or Plane 1 (Figure 2)

At this point I don't even know if it's possible to achieve this using Ansys or Post, that I have to do it myself with python/matlab/.. Or a combination of both.

Any help or guidance is highly appreciated.
Attached Images
File Type: png 2dto3D.png (84.2 KB, 8 views)
File Type: jpg volume.jpg (93.1 KB, 6 views)
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