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Pressurized Cylinder rupture Boundary Conditions (with two fluids, Hydrogen and air)

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Old   April 21, 2021, 00:38
Default Pressurized Cylinder rupture Boundary Conditions (with two fluids, Hydrogen and air)
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sam_mj is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

So I am trying to work on the Blastwave propagation from the High-Pressure Region to the environment which is the instantaneous release of compressed hydrogen from the pressurized cylinder to the air outside. In geometry, I have made two separate bodies in 1 part. (one is a cylinder and the outer part is the hemisphere surrounding the air) The problem I am facing is that I need to define two different fluids (H2 and air) in this whole part. I can only do this if I define the outer walls of the cylinder as a wall (else i get the Zone error of using multiple fluids in a zone). If I do that then the hydrogen will never go outside to the environment direction. Even if I use cylinder walls as a pressure outlet the arrows point inwards of the cylinder instead of outside to the hemisphere.

If there is no cylinder wall then I can only do this by defining a region from the Adapt option and using air in both regions. But that is not what I want.

I am extremely stuck and couldn't model this scenario. Really need some tips and suggestions. I feel like I am doing something wrong with boundary conditions.

Thanks, everyone.
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cylinder, hydrogen storage, rupture

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