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skewed elements due to semi circular geometry

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Old   March 15, 2021, 15:43
Default skewed elements due to semi circular geometry
New Member
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 6
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saurabh1011 is on a distinguished road
So I am meshing this one part of the larger assembly (Part geometry shown below)

The surface on the front side has a semi-circle in it. I am using a semi-circle part of the front side as an inlet for fluid flow. After meshing this part, I got this mesh geometry.

You can notice that the edges of mesh elements inside the semi-circle are not tangent with the edges of elements outside the semi-circle.

Then I made some changes in assembly without making any changes in this part. But when I meshed this part again, I got this new mesh geometry (given below) which is different from the first one even though both part geometries are the same and I am using the same mesh settings for both.

here you can notice that edges of mesh elements inside semi-circle are in tangent with edges of elements outside of the semi-circle

I think that these tangential edges are creating a small region of very skewed elements outside the semi-circle.
I want to remove this region of skewed elements and make the mesh the same as the first one. I don't know why but I can not recreate the first mesh even though I am using the same mesh settings.
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