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'If' and 'and' statements on CFD-Post

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Old   December 22, 2020, 18:27
Post 'If' and 'and' statements on CFD-Post
New Member
Elías Bracho
Join Date: Dec 2020
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Hello everyone, I am having some trouble programming an expression for calculating the theta angle variable in a circumference. As it is known, the angle in a rectangle triangle can be calculated with the function theta = ATAN(Y/X). Now, for the 4 quadrants in a circumference this expression may vary, since X and Y change their signs.

What I want to programme with the 'if' statement is something like this

if X>0 and Y>0, then theta=ATAN(Y/X) (1st quadrant)
if X<0 and Y>0, then theta=ATAN(Y/X) + 90 (2nd quadrant)
if X<0 and Y<0, then theta=ATAN(Y/X) +180 (3rd quadrant)
if X>0 and Y<0, then theta=ATAN(Y/X) + 270 (4th quadrant)

I know the 'if' statement works like this on CFD-Post:

if(condition, result when true, result when false),

however, my problem is that I have two conditions for each of the four cases and haven't been able to relate them in the 'condition' part of the 'if' statement , as I mentioned before. I appreciate any tip or help.

Thank you,
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