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How to create a body from a point cloud boundary

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Old   December 6, 2019, 18:17
Default How to create a body from a point cloud boundary
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 60
Rep Power: 13
ansys_matt is on a distinguished road

I have been trying to do this for quite a while and it seems so basic but I cannot get SpaceClaim or DesignModeler to do this. I have a point cloud that represents the wall in a fluid domain. I have another point cloud that represents the inlet for that same domain.

I need to import these into one of the geometry applications and get the points into the form of surfaces. So I tried importing a point file into design modeler but that didn't work out because I would have to make Polylines and then loft them together.

Then I tried to export the two boundaries in the form of STL files which contain the surfaces as triangulated bodies (many triangles make up each surface). From inside SpaceClaim I tried to Merge Faces to get rid of the small triangles from the STL file but it won't let me merge them all. I can merge down to about 3 large faces and then I get the "Unable to Merge" message.

Does anyone know of any way to get a collection of points into a single surface that bounds a fluid body? I can write the points as a text file or STL file if needed.

Here is a video showing what I am doing. I have two STL files, which I import into SpaceClaim. I want the larger one to be a wall, and the circular one to be the inlet for analysis. You can see I import them and at the end select many of the smaller faces to merge and they merge just fine. But I cannot merge all of them like I need to because of some SpaceClaim bug that will let me merge all of the triangles down until I have only a few large faces but I cannot merge the large faces into one.

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