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Challenges in ICE Combustion Message Interpretation and Possible Solution Provision

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Old   February 18, 2019, 20:13
Default Challenges in ICE Combustion Message Interpretation and Possible Solution Provision
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Join Date: Feb 2019
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ELITECHNIST is on a distinguished road
Hi Everyone,

I am simulating ICE combustion on ANSYS Fluent of ANSYS V17.2 and currently on the solution solver which is running calculation as shown in the image below. On the console window, I observed the following two reports printed sequentially after each timestep calculation;
1.) (wb-ice-write-dpm-monitors-to-file)#f
2.) (wb-ice-add-keygrid-events-for-new-kg-meshes)#f
I tried giving these their real interpretation and as well determine if they were errors messages or not. I used the #f to search the ANSYS Fluent pdf help on the INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES IN WORKBENCH and discovered it is used to represent false. I did more search and concluded that the command was for the workbench ICE to write the discrete particle monitors to file (in this work, I have only the residual and the volume monitor active), for number one above. I proceeded to the report definition under tree outine as shown in the image and define my volume parameters writing them to file and plot. When I run calculation, the console reported in yellow color print that there is a codex error … not a pair. The calculation was truncated automatically and I was confused about what to do. Now my first question, is “(wb-ice-write-dpm-monitors-to-file)#f “ signifying an error of command? If yes, how is it corrected to run successfully?
I also observed that after a while of running the same simulation without effecting any correction as attempted before, the console included “(wb-ice-add-keygrid-events-for-new-kg-meshes)#f” immediately after the first one for every timestep calculation as earlier mentioned. I then traced for the interpretation of keygrid too as in the first one. I discovered that on the workbench, having the active cell on the ICE solver setup cell, the keygrid was off in the properties of schematic A5 table. I turned it on by clicking yes on keygrid option because my interpretation for the printed report was that adding keygrid event to a new keygrid mesh failed. I tried following the step to adding keygrid to the mesh cell and updated for remeshing several times, and end up in bigger trouble that I couldn’t sort out or even understand. I ask myself, is my interpretation correct? If yes, why am I running into problem? If no, what should I do to make things right?
Thanks for your anticipated reply,
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