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[Fluent Meshing] Meshing trouble for conjugate heat transfer

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Old   November 15, 2018, 15:22
Default [Fluent Meshing] Meshing trouble for conjugate heat transfer
New Member
Yoshi Toshi
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 29
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wiggles8x0 is on a distinguished road
I want to generate a mesh for a conjugate heat transfer analysis in which I have counter flowing fluids separated by a metal median. They are essentially 3 tubes, one on top of the other where the inner most tube is hot and the outer most is cold.

In spaceclaim I created those 3 tubes; each being different bodies so that there is a defined surface between the 3 tubes.

When I import said geometry into Fluent Meshing, I am selecting "CFD Surface Mesh" from CAD Import to generate an initial coarse mesh. After which merge the three different mesh objects into one mesh object (I believe you need to do this to generate a conformal mesh across the 2 boundaries).

I then run diagnostics and find that there are 2 locations where there are intersecting surfaces (between the cold fluid and metal, and metal with hot fluid). I have tried going into Boundary>Intersect>Join and tried to join the surfaces together but this doesn't seem to help.

What am I doing wrong and what is the proper process for generating the 2 fluid zones separated by the 1 solid domain?
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Old   November 20, 2018, 12:15
New Member
Yoshi Toshi
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 29
Rep Power: 10
wiggles8x0 is on a distinguished road
This issue was resolved by opening up the geometry file in SpaceClaim and using the "Share Topology" property.
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conjugate heat trans., fluent mesher

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