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ANSYS: Design of Experiments and Optimization - Upper and Lower Bounds

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Old   April 5, 2018, 08:33
Default ANSYS: Design of Experiments and Optimization - Upper and Lower Bounds
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 30
Rep Power: 12
mrswordf1sh is on a distinguished road
Hi guys,

I am trying to optimize twist angle distribution of a wind turbine blade using ANSYS DesingXplore.

The twist angle at each section should be lower than the previous section. I define the lower and upper bounds for each section (there are some intersections) and when I try to create sample design points using some design of experiments method, it creates some sections bigger than previous section (but I don't want it).

Is it possible in Ansys Design of Experiments section to say the program to define the value in each section to be lower than the previous section when creating sample design points?

Thank you.
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