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3D Mixture Gas Simulation

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Old   January 9, 2017, 17:57
Default 3D Mixture Gas Simulation
New Member
Wolfgang Black
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 11
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I'm having some trouble with a few things on a simulation I'm trying to run in the student version of Ansys (17.2).

I'll list my problems in order and reference any relevant images.

My set up is shown below. It has a flow volume with co-axial flow and 2 side inlets into a box volume, with a round exit at the top.

I'd like the outlet at the top to be at atmospheric pressure, so it is currently set as pressure outlet gauge pressure = 0.

My first problem is that I want to have the initial species to be entirely air, and have argon come in through the co-axial and side entrances. However, using mixture I can't figure out how to get the volume to be initially air. If I set this using fluid, as opposed to mixture, I can't seem to set the inlets to be argon. Any advice would be appreciated.

I am currently using the Realized K-E model for the turbulence, since there exists swirl and a round jet will form which exits into the box volume. I'm having issues with convergence, is this a mesh issue or a model issue? Any advice would be appreciated.
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