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ICEM Pre-Mesh failed

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Old   September 21, 2016, 03:03
Default ICEM Pre-Mesh failed
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Join Date: Sep 2016
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Hello CFD-Online Community,

this is my first thread and I hope you could help me.

I actually have two problems in ICEM. I tried everything (I guess).

I created a 2-D model with blocks in CATIA V5. After that I imported it in ICEM 14.0. So far everything was fine. The program was also able to create automatically all blocks. After that I started to set the mesh parameters. And there was the first problem.
Note: I want to create a structured mesh to properly investigate the turbulent kinetic energy in fluent.
  1. In the picture "unconnected_nodes" to see to it that the nodes aren't connected. In the left block I have a distribution of 100 nodes and in the 3 left blocks there are 100 nodes overall too. I know that there is not the right distribution in aspect to the ratio, but I would like to know a solution where ICEM could discern that and create a mesh with connected nodes. I tried both ways. Set the parameters for the big block first and the 3 blocks afterwards. And the other way around. I can't work with linked bunching because there are different distribution in nodes. If there is no solution I would try to solve that mesh in fluent. Fluent should be able to connect the hanging nodes with adjacent nodes. But that is not what I strive for. So if someone knows a way to create a coherent mesh that would be great.
  2. My second problem is something I never had before. In the picture "thicknessfail_ICEM" is the problem demonstrated. ICEM is not able to create the curvature externally. There is no problem to create the mesh inwardly. I tried every associate possibility (vertice-point, edge-curve, surface-face and everything together or just two of them...) but nothing works.
It would be great if you help me.

Thanks in advance!!!

Attached Images
File Type: jpg unconnected_nodes.JPG (54.4 KB, 6 views)
File Type: jpg thicknessfail_ICEM.JPG (170.1 KB, 7 views)

Last edited by; September 21, 2016 at 04:51. is offline   Reply With Quote


blocking strategy, icem 14.0, mesh 2d

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