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Mechanical and CFX One-way Fluid Structure Interaction

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Old   June 1, 2016, 16:51
Default Mechanical and CFX One-way Fluid Structure Interaction
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Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 17
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dracula-007 is on a distinguished road
Hello everybody,
I ran a bit of trouble while trying to create a FSI for a stationary thermal analysis in workbench (mechanical).

I got a cylinder with a flow of air on the outside (axial). There is a heat flux being created in the inside.
In CFX I assumed a constant Heat Fluc through the wall and a Inlet temperature of 20°C. First I tried to calculate the HTC using the Adjacent Temperature, but it didn't work out, since there was a (very small) heat Flux from the Fluid to the cylinder in mechanical close to the outlet, which should´t happen. I assume it´s because of the Adjacent Temperature, which lead to a pretty high Heat flux close to the Inlet.

I feel like using the Bulk temperature would be a better choice, so I set Tbulk to 20°C, which should be fine. So this time, I got better results (only heat flux from the cylinder into the fluid), but when I mapped the CFX-Result to the surface of my cylinder, the HTC rose. In CFX Post, the max. HTCwas at the Inlet (about 900 W/(m^2*K)), after I mapped it to my Structure, there was a max. Temperature at the "Inlet" of 1.500 W(m^2*K).

Does anybody have an idea, what happened while mapping or have another idea? I´d like to keep it simple, so I´m avoiding the two-way FSI.

Two more things: My Reynolds-Number is around 10^5 and I checked the HTC with some empirical formulas. The HTC seems to be ok.

Thanks in advance!
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