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Workbench in batch mode with parametric study (design point)

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Old   June 1, 2016, 04:56
Question Workbench in batch mode with parametric study (design point)
New Member
Véronique Penin
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Lyon, France
Posts: 21
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Veronique Pe is on a distinguished road

I use Ansys 17.0 on linux, in CentOS6.5 in my computer or in cluster.

I need some help to run calculation in batch mode with Workbench and parametric design point.
My problem is a performing map of a compresseur. Calculations are done with CFX and a parameters table.

I don't think that is a CFX problem, but a Workbench problem.

Reminder that in CFX the result file is file_001.res, and the out file is file_001.out.

The run is ok"in live", and creates a DesignPoint_Log.csv which resumes all my parametric values for each design point. Each calculation follows the previous calculculation when this one ended.. All Files.res are ok.

When I try to run in batch mode (workbench -B -F files.wpbj -R Journal.wbjn) on the cluster, the run seems ok (when I have a look on CFX_001.out which is writting), but the DesignPoint_Log.csv doesn't update.
As the calculation is in batch mode, I have no idea if and where I can found error message (nothing in err.log or in file_001.out, etc), as in the "message windows" in "live mode"

To record the journal, I do : /file/scripting/record Journal, then I put on "Update all design points", then, File/scipting/ stop Journal, and I stop the calculation.

Journal.wbjn is :

# encoding: utf-8
# Release 17.0
designPoint1 = Parameters.GetDesignPoint(Name="1")
designPoint42 = Parameters.GetDesignPoint(Name="42")
backgroundSession1 = UpdateAllDesignPoints(DesignPoints=[designPoint1,..., designPoint42])

Is my Journal.wbjn ok?

I already asked Ansys Support, but no good solution has been provided. (the procedure used is ok in support computer)

When I open each file_001.out for each design point X (in Files_files/dpX/CFX/CFX), only few file_001.out of the first DPs are ok.
For the following dp, my calculation stopped with the message " Execution terminating: STP file found." For me, this message is written in the file_001.out when I stopped myself the calculation with the stop buttom in interactive mode. Can I obtain this message for different reasons?

and then all the next dp are not update.

I could run all my calculations on my computer but it takes more time than on the cluster.

Is someone meet the same problem?

thanks for your help,

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ansys, linux, workbench scripting

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