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Hleps for define BH curve for soft magnetics

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Old   May 17, 2016, 21:21
Default Hleps for define BH curve for soft magnetics
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sunteng1212 is on a distinguished road
Hello Guys

I am trying to simulate the saturation current of my inductor. I first build an inductor and a soft magnetic core.

Next, I am trying to define a BH curve for the soft magnetic material.

I have the real data of the hysteresis loop. I input the data into the Maxwell in two different ways.

First, I just simply copy my data and input into Maxwell. The Maxwell will automatically calculate the Hk for me.

Second, I also simply copy my data and input into Maxwell. However, this time, I manually type (0,0) point to make sure that the curve goes through the original point. In this case, the Hc is zero.

When the BH curve goes through the original point or Hc=0, I get some reasonable results. The inductance decrease with increasing in current.

When the BH curve does not go through the original point or Hc=some number, the inductance does not change with current no matter how large the current is.

Could someone tell me what happened ?

When I define a BH curve, do I have to let the BH curve to go through the original point? If yes, the Hc will be zero and how can I define a BH curve which include Hc ?


Last edited by sunteng1212; May 18, 2016 at 11:34.
sunteng1212 is offline   Reply With Quote


bh curve, inductor, maxwell

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