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Conduction and Convection Thermal Analysis of a PV Module

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Old   February 19, 2016, 09:26
Default Conduction and Convection Thermal Analysis of a PV Module
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Kevin Williams
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: United Kingdom
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Hello Everyone,

I have designed a 3D Assembly of a Photovoltaic Module that consists of an encapsulated Silicon cell with a top glass panel and a bottom polymer back sheet.

I want to analyze the heat transfer if the module was exposed to a convection from the top and bottom, as well as the heat conduction through different layers in the module. The image shown below is an example of what I have in mind.

So I would like some guidance on how to get started.
For example:
1. Creating a flow domain with an enclosure or creating a domain in CAD and using the fill feature to assign a fluid material.
2. If I have a certain heat flux, where can I assign it since Fluent has an input of W/m^3.

FYI: The given data is: heat flux from the module, air velocity, and ambient temperature. I have done some tutorials, but it's not been very helpful.

Appreciate the help.
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