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Extension with BEAM188 conflicts with other contacts

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Old   September 23, 2015, 07:03
Default Extension with BEAM188 conflicts with other contacts
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Join Date: Jun 2015
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Hi all!

I am TOTALLY new to Ansys Mechanical APDL, so my question might sound quite basic, anyway, Iīm totally stacked right now and I havenīt found much information in the literature available.

My simplified geometry (which intends to be applied in a bigger model)consists on a squared plate with a screw in the middle of it, where I apply a displacement. This plate represents a sandwich honeycomb panel, so it is composed of a middle core (solid), and two surfaces (top and bottom from it), all "sticked" with contacts.

I am trying to simplify this geometry and I am currently trying to model the screw with a Beam188 element. My intention is that this is done automatically, so I am trying to develop an extension for that. As an initial point, I have introduced the coordinates where the Beam would be located manually. This is the input APDL part that I have written so far:

*GET,mat1, ELEM,n_el,ATTR,MAT

n, 1, -0.1, 0.001, -0.1
n, 2, -0.1, 0.02, -0.1
n, 3, -0.2, 0.02, -0.1


!Beam type
SECDATA, propRadius, 8, 2
KEYOPT, 100, 1, 0
KEYOPT, 100, 3, 2
KEYOPT, 100, 9, 0

!Material properties
mp, ex, 16, 1592
mp, ey, 16, 1592
mp, ez, 16, 1592
mp, nuxy, 16, 0.3

!Element connection and orientation
en, 100, 1, 2, 3

!Displacement boundary conditions
d, 1, ux, 0
d, 1, uy, 0
d, 1, uz, 0
d, 1, rotx, 0
d, 1, roty, 0
d, 1, rotz, 0

!Applied force
f, 2, fy, F


When I solve in Ansys Mechanical, I obtaine the following error in the file.err:

"The behavior of target elements specified by real constant 4 are not consistent. Some of elements belong to a rigid surface, while others belong to a deformable surface."

Real constant 4 is referred to the contact between the core and bottom surface of the honeycomb panel. I havenīt been able to find any solution or any clear reason to know why this happens. As far as I have checked, Beam 188 is a flexible beam and the contacts between the surfaces have also been set as flexible. For sure I am missing something which is crucial in the model, but due to my lack of experience I am not able to solve it. If anyone could throw some light, I would be really thankful.


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