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ANSYS 14.5: overflow ANSYS 15: works just fine

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Old   July 15, 2015, 14:29
Default ANSYS 14.5: overflow ANSYS 15: works just fine
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Join Date: Mar 2014
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Peacekeeper is on a distinguished road
Hi there!
i plan to solve around 250 samples of a centrifugal compressor impeller on an external cluster, but recently i ran into huge problems! now after two weeks of trial and error i have no ideas left.

i have three .def-Files. they use the same setup (via .ccl), they use the same settings for the automatic meshing in turbo-grid, but they dont run properly on the cluster. the cluster is using the old ansys solver version 14.5.7 and cannot be updated.
now i get overflows on nearly all files after 3-9 iterations (with initializing even ealier). but the same files just work on my local computer!!
i tried several other files during the weeks aswell, but the success rate was.. kinda random.

is there any setting hidden somewhere between the versions that could cause this behavior? what has changed in the solvers

btw, the overflow is often coming with mach numbers one iteration earlier. with a backup i managed to look at some volume plots of it. it shows a single mesh cell with a mach number of 7000. the mesh quality is ok. the position seems to change randomly between the files. (after all its the same mesh/file and it runs on 15...)

edit: it doesn't seem to matter which version i use to create the initial files and meshes!
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