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Harmonic analysis- application of load and BC

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Old   June 16, 2015, 12:54
Default Harmonic analysis- application of load and BC
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 32
Rep Power: 11
RobertW is on a distinguished road

Description of the problem:

I have the part/the beam. The beam is in vertical position. Bottom end of the beam is rigidly fixed to the base plate. The base plate (with the beam fixed to it) vibrates with specific frequency.

X and Y axes- parallel to the base plate and perpendicular to the beam.
Z axis- parallel to the beam.

My biggest concern regarding to this model is how to apply vibration to the beam and define the boundary conditions.

The way I try to simulate this scenario in Ansys is as follows:
- I block UX, UY and ROTZ to the end of the beam which is fixed to the base plate. I do not block UZ and ROTX, ROTY to this end of the beam.
- I apply the axial force (along Z axis) of specific value to the bottom part of the beam. The frequency of the force is applied through command HARFRQ,value1,value2.

I am not sure whether my way of simulating described scenario is correct. I would be very obliged for any help.

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ansys, harmonic, load

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