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Problem with surface mapping using mesh from ICEM and CFX solution

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Old   April 14, 2015, 05:24
Default Problem with surface mapping using mesh from ICEM and CFX solution
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Elias Siggeirsson
Join Date: Dec 2014
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I am having trouble with mapping my fluid pressure to a blade surface.
I import the blades as a point data and create the geometry from that.
I meshed the blade and the fluid domain in ICEM, I use ICEM instead of TurboGrid since I want to be able to simulate the whole 360° with a volute and a diffuser, which I have also meshed in ICEM and to be able to use open source software.
I used FEM in ANSYS workbench to transport the solid mesh from ICEM to ANSYS Mechanical.

When I import the pressure to the solid surfaces from my previous CFX simulation I always get this

"0% of Mechanical nodes were mapped to the CFD surface. The remaining nodes are mapped to the closest edge or node"

and a constant surface pressure. I know that the pressure is supposed to vary since the pressure on the blade varies and I have done the process with Turbogrid for a single blade passage.

So my questions are:
Is it not possible to do it by this procedure, by using ICEM for borth solid and fluid mesh?
If not, is there some other way to do it withoud generating the blades with external CAD software?
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ansys mechanical, icem, turbogrid

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