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TurboGrid & ICEM: Turbine and wake mesh.

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Old   January 29, 2015, 14:23
Default TurboGrid & ICEM: Turbine and wake mesh.
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Amy Gunter
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Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this forum and quite new to CFD in general, so I'm still in the steep part of the learning curve.

With that in mind, I'm sure this is literally a "one mouse click" issue, but I don't seem to be able to find a way to save the full turbine mesh with all the blade instances included. I'm also having a hard time finding the best approach to combine the various softwares out there to complete this project.

Explanation of the project:
I am working on designing a completely new type of tidal stream turbine, with untested and unconventional geometry. There are no similar geometries out there, so this is somewhat of a pathfinding experience.

1. Create a parameterized geometry to facilitate quick design optimization.
- Currently using BladeGen

2. Generate a reasonable mesh of the flow path through the turbine.
- Currently using Turbogrid

3. Generate a mesh to analyse the wake
- Hoping to use ICEM?

4. Stitch the two meshes together and run through Fluent

Current Problems:

1. Can't seem to save all blade instances in TurboGrid so that I can import the whole turbine into ICEM or Fluent.

2. Not sure of the best way to generate the wake mesh or how to stitch it together with the turbine mesh.

So any advice would be very welcome!
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Old   January 30, 2015, 14:52
Default addressing #1
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To answer #1,

TurboGrid only produces one blade passage. A mesh transformation (rotation - multiple copies) in CFX-Pre is needed to instance & glue the meshes together.

Hope this helps.
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Old   January 30, 2015, 18:08
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Amy Gunter
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Thanks Norflow,

I've now figured out how to copy and rotate in ICEM, and then stitch the segments together. Working on generating the tunnel mesh now.
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Old   June 16, 2015, 12:50
Smile icem meshing for marine current turbine
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kemin ali
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I am trying to do a mesh for a turbine with ICEM. Tetra+prism mesh is easy,although ICEM 14 does not generate prism well and ICEM 16 works fine. As for the hexa mesh, I adapt the blocking method for airfoil. Now, the problem is that the mesh at the cone is twisted cause the nodes parameter at the base line of the cone is not compatible(see attachments). [ATTACH][ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH]
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blade instances, icem, join meshes, turbogrid

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