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Fluid-Structure-Interaction Ansys

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Old   December 10, 2014, 09:59
Default Fluid-Structure-Interaction Ansys
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Join Date: Oct 2013
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Hello all,

Im trying to simulate a Fluid-Structure-Interaction with Ansys Workbench 15.0. The fluid part with CFX and the structural part with ANSYS (Transient Structural).

The model has 3 parts:

1. The fluid domain, a tube with d=10mm and a length of 100mm

2. The Top Membrane, a Shell-Element (structural) with d=10mm and a thickness of 0.25mm
- the first Fluid Solid interface
- with a defined displacement on the center (a circle with d=1mm), only in Z-direction, longitudinal to the tube.

3. The Bottom Membrane, also a Shell-Element (structural) with d=10mm and a thickness of 0.25mm
- the second Fluid Solid interface
- it will be deformed due to the fluid forces.

So the tube is closed by the 2 Shell-Elements. The 2 Shells are deforming.

Analysis type: Transient
Total time: 10ms
Time steps: 1e-06s

My problem is the CFD Post and to visualize the displacement of the shells in a chart.
I would like to plot over time and for all time steps, the displacement of the shell in the Z- direction (longitudinal). I would like to have a plot of the displacement Z of transversal nodes.

I have tried it already with the definition of a 'Line' on the Shell and a Type 'XY' 'Chart'. For one single time step and for a small displacement I can plot it in a chart.
The problem with the 'Line' definition is that the line cannot follow large deformations of the shell, see the red line in the picture.

Have someone a better solution to plot a transversal nodes displacement of a surface? Or do somebody know the problem with my 'Line' definition?

If someone needs more information about the model, it would be a pleasure for me to describe it more in detail.

Thanks for the help!

Best regards,
Martin Wisniewski
Martinw is offline   Reply With Quote


cfx, chart, displacement, fluid solid interface, plot

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