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Taylor - Couette simulation using CFX

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Old   November 15, 2014, 18:32
Default Taylor - Couette simulation using CFX
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Join Date: Nov 2014
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Silverton is on a distinguished road
Hi there, I am fairly new to CFD in general and am running into some troubles

I am currently trying to run a simulation for Taylor Couette flow (in the laminar region). I started off by running it on CFX and managed to get a solution for Circular couette flow but was unable to visualise any Taylor vortices even when I ramped up the speed.

After doing some research I believe I have to use CFX Turbogrid in order to be able to plot the radial velocity contours that will allow me to visualise the vortices.

However I have run into a complication which is that it doesn't allow me to import my geometry into the Turbogrid Mesh because of the following message:"The upstream blade geometry could not be retrieved. Please verify that the export points feature is specified correctly"

When I try to export points in design modeller it requires me define a flowpath and blade geometry - however I don't have any blades.

I am a little confused as to whether I should even be using Turbogrid so any help would be appreciated. Thanks

EDIT: I have realised now that it is not turbo grid that I should be using but in fact the turbo tab in CFD post.

However I am still unable to see any Taylor vortices at Re>100. Is there some trick to this that I am missing, either in CFD post with regards to my plotting tools, or perhaps the mesh generation close to the outer cylinder wall (inner cylinder rotating).
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Last edited by Silverton; November 17, 2014 at 17:59. Reason: updated situation
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Old   November 23, 2014, 17:48
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Rishikesh Prashant
Join Date: Nov 2014
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Rishi91 is on a distinguished road
Hi there

I was wondering if you managed to get solution to this. I am also trying a similar simulation and thought I'd ask here rather than create a new post.

I created the geometry for the annular region of the device and then applied a tetrahedron mesh to it. I then set the boundary conditions as follow:
1. upper wall - no slip - stationary
2. lower wall - no slip - stationary
3. inner wall rotating at 10 rad/s (Re approx 1009.4)
4. outer wall - no slip - stationary

I ran the simulation and then in the post processing I took a slice through the cylinder and plotted a contour map of the radial velocity but I only get vortices at the top and bottom near the upper and lower walls --> this is what I get

Did you manage to sort your simulation out? If so I'd appreciate any help
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