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Geometry_prescribed FSI

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Old   November 2, 2014, 22:45
Default Geometry_prescribed FSI
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Australia
Posts: 36
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siamak1438 is on a distinguished road
Hey Guys,
I am trying to simulate a geometry_prescribed FSI in FLUENT workbench. As you know, in this method of the FSI (1-way FSI) the movement of the structure is known (i.e., is prescribed) for different time steps (for example for the heart, the geometry of the fluid domain and the structure for each time steps is created by the MRI images, for instance if I have 100 time steps, I have 100 related geometries). The solution procedure is in the following form: first geometry of the deforming walls is prescribed to the fluent, beginning of each time step and then the fluid domain is solved and for the next time step the new geometry is imported and again with the new boundary condition the fluid domain is solved until the end of the solution.
I want to know how can I define the geometry each time step to FLUENT or how I load new position of the fluid domain to FLUENT?
Thank you in advance for your possible answers.
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