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Study of FLAME and CONDENSATION from a heat exchanger-HRSG type,

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Old   September 10, 2014, 11:30
Red face Study of FLAME and CONDENSATION from a heat exchanger-HRSG type,
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Timisoara
Posts: 63
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mechanicaldesign is on a distinguished road
Good afternoon,
I have a trouble in resolve an industrial problem for heat exchanger type: HRSG.
The study will be made using ANSYS FLUENT.
My trouble occurs because in first step must to optimized the fluid flow of hot air inside of HRSG, especial in first portion of circuit, after burner.
The input dates are:
1.- Gas flow: 14,539 kg/h @ 298°C with a humidity of 0.45 kg H2O/kg DA.
2.- Temperature after burner: 497°C
3.- Steam production: 2,750 kg/h
4.- Temperature after HRSG: 228°C
5.- Gas burned: 107 kg/h. Air to gas ratio: 20 kgAir / kg Gas
Questions are:
1. How I can add in ANSYS FLUENT the input condition in a manner to obtain a flame of burner?
2. What parameters exposed here must be convert in others parameters necessary to input in Fluent? Where I must entered in Fluent?
3. After I obtain the flame, how I can use the results from simulations to obtain inside of radiators of HRSG the condensation? I must made 2 different study or I can obtain the flame and fluid flow as well the condensation in a single run?
Thanks to everibody which can offer some support, ideea or sugestion to resolve this problem.
Keep in touch.
Best regards.
Mess with the best die like the rest ... ANSYS is the best !!!
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