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[Fluent + Transient Structural] Rotating actuator

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Old   August 26, 2014, 03:38
Question [Fluent + Transient Structural] Rotating actuator
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vanhoivanbinh is on a distinguished road
Dear all
I am new for ANSYS (only experienced in ANSYS MAXWELL for modelling electromagnetic).
Currently, I need to do the dynamic simulation of a rotating actuator with the concept like below picture

Due to different pressure, the vane will rotate. I just want to investigate the turbulent properties of the current structure.

Here is the steps I have figure out
1/ Extract the internal volume (with the vane) from the 3D structure Solidworks file
2/ Meshing is done with specific section names
3/ Setting up Fluent: I am stuck in setting the Dynamic Mesh relationship. I know that is should be Two sides of the vane. But in Fluent it need the motion profile which I dont know where do define.

Can you give me a draft introduction (major steps) that I need to proceed? I can read the details in Help file by myself but without the major steps, it is too large area to find where to start to dig-in the Help file.
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Old   August 27, 2014, 18:21
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A few questions...

- Does the vane keep rotating around and around, or is it going to hit that barrier? Or stop before it gets to the barrier?
- Can all the solid parts be treated as rigid bodies?
- Do you want the flow to drive the vane motion, or is it's motion prescribed, so the vane is driving the flow?
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Old   August 27, 2014, 22:19
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Thank you Stumpy
Here are my answers:

- Does the vane keep rotating around and around, or is it going to hit that barrier? Or stop before it gets to the barrier?
At this step, I only simulate a clockwise rotation. The valve is allowed to hit the barrier. But it is better to let it stop before it gets to the barrier

- Can all the solid parts be treated as rigid bodies?
Yes, assuming that there is no deformation on the solid part. As I have extract all the internal volume, so there are only there part:
1. The fluid
2. The wall (outer shape of the fluid flow)
3. The vane (treated as rigid body)

- Do you want the flow to drive the vane motion, or is it's motion prescribed, so the vane is driving the flow?
Yess, the final purpose for this simulation is to see how the flow interacts with the internal structure of the actuator. So the high-pressure flow will drive the vane

Please let me know if you have any suggestion.

I currently is referring to this tutorial.

But the flow in this tutorial is not blocked by the vane, just part of it drive the metal plate. In my case, there is the high-pressure flow drive the vane==> The vane pushes the low-pressure fluid to output port.
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Old   August 28, 2014, 10:23
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I think you can model this in Fluent without using Mechanical. Since everything is a rigid body then the 6-DOF rigid body solve in Fluent should work fine. The motion from the rigid body solver would be applied to both sides of the vane.
To deal with the large mesh motion a Layer approach would be best. I would recommend looking for some Fluent tutorials for ICE (internal combustion engine) applications where the cylinder stroke and in-cylinder flow is modelled. They would use a similar approach. You can also look for 6-DOF / Rigid Body tutorials.
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Old   August 28, 2014, 21:49
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Thank you very much Stumpy
I will follow your suggestion and see how it is going
I will feedback to you if there is any issue
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Old   September 1, 2014, 00:46
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Dear Stumpy
I have tried to use Fluent sorely to solve my problem
However, as the mesh created, there will be several areas as below
1/ Input (as I named the selection surface of input port)
2/ output (as I named the selection surface of output port)
3/ Internal_Fluid
4/ Wall_fluid
5/ Internal_vane
6/ Wall_vane

I have set the No 1 as input boundary with 7MPa
No2 is as ambience pressure 101325 Pa

The problem now is with the Dynamic MEsh.
I know the No 5 and 6 must be set as rigid body, but it require Motion UDF/Profile which I still stuck to learn

IF I set the No5 and 6 as deforming dynamic mesh, then it always resulted in error: negative volume mesh found

Do you have any suggestion about how to set the motion of Rigid Vane. Do I need to set both No5 and 6 as the same characteristics????

Thank you!!!
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