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Ansys HPC licensing policy

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Old   June 29, 2014, 17:00
Default Ansys HPC licensing policy
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Join Date: Mar 2014
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assafwei is on a distinguished road
I need to spill my guts...
In the last few days it came to my knowledge about the ANSYS licensing "HPC" policy, in a nutshell, and as all of you prabobly knows, ansys charges big bucks per core for the HPC and only allows 2 cores in the standart license (and 1 lousy core for FLUENT).
To me it sounds outrageous, and the main point is that if your vendor is not straightforward, it doesnt appear in any official ANSYS brochure out there and you weould never know it before you bought the thing, the HPC is presented as an advantage, but the reality is that it is a huge disadvantage. What ANSYS is saying is basically : buy the best computer money can buy, it is not enough you paid intel or AMD for the CPUs, now pay ANSYS to put them to use... Its like 15 years ago they would have charged you by the Mhz on a single core CPU...
I only stumbled upon this fact after doing alot of research, and didnt see it in the promotional info ANSYS puts on their site. In my current FEA (FEMAP by Siemens) parallel processing is a native property that doesnt charge you by the core at all. This means that if you as an ANSYS customer want to improve your simulation speed you need to pay big bucks (almost the cost entire of structural and FLUENT suite together for 16 cores for example) and it really is a major disadvantage ANSYS should reveal their customers explicitly before buying and not hide this fact. My question is - why doesnt the old loyal ANSYS customers go out against this scandal?

Sorry for the long messy post, just needed to get things off my chest.

Best regards.
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