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Simple fluid simulations in Ansys Mechanical.

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Old   June 15, 2014, 03:54
Lightbulb Simple fluid simulations in Ansys Mechanical.
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lamboram is on a distinguished road
Hello all,

I am working with Ansys Mechanical, mainly in thermal simulations. We have a problem in which there is a metal housing, inside this are some metal components. between the housing and metal components there is air. now the housing is completely sealed. When we heat up the housing from the outside, we want to know how much does the air heats up and in turn heats up the metal components inside. I hope I have explained this well.

Now the plan is to do a CFD, but the geometry we have is highly detailed and massive. CFD would be time consuming. I put forward a suggestion which I now want to clarify with you CFD experts. Now the air inside the housing is mostly stationary (let say predominantly). I could fill the inner part of the housing with a solid material, then Boolean the filled material with the components inside such that the material now will represent the air in between the inside face of housing and inner components. If I then define this filled material with properties of air and simulate, will it make mathematically and realistically (to an extent) good sense. Now my simulations are with thermal parameters. No moving components. and my temperature field is between lets say -40 to +200 deg. Celsius.

I look forward your suggestions,
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ansys, cfd, mechanical, thermal, work-around

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