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Runtime difference between Ansys Static Structural and Transient Analyses

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Old   June 26, 2013, 15:10
Default Runtime difference between Ansys Static Structural and Transient Analyses
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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I am applying the same load (vertical tire load) and pressure (tire inflation pressure) to a tire once in Static Structural analysis and second time in Transient analysis. The runtime difference is tremendous.

I have tried to read about the different algorithms Ansys uses to perform analysis. However, I cannot find anything about differences between static structural and transient analyses in particular.

Does anyone have an insight about that? Is it normal that the transient simulation takes so much longer or am I doing something wrong?

By the way, in both analyses I am using the same parameters in terms of load step, contact stiffness, pinball region, etc. (I have changing contact between the tire and the pavement. As the vertical load on the tire increases, for example, the contact patch between the tire and the pavement increases.)

Thank you for all your help!
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