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[ICEM] CGNS Mesh Importation into ICEM

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Old   March 5, 2012, 15:56
Default CGNS Mesh Importation into ICEM
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Quentin Lux
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I am currently trying to import a CGNS structured multiblock mesh into ICEM CFD. But I am having a problem with the topology since ICEM seems to not find it. I have an error message that the topology is absent and proposes to recompute it. So I succeed in importing the mesh but the real problem is that when I am under ICEM, the mesh is in 1 block and the part are not separated (like Symmetry plane, farfield, etc..). I only have 1 part with every cell in it. Here is a screen of what I have under ICEM :

As you can see the 5 domains are well recognized in the tree but not separated. It is only the part named default and it is impossible to assign boundary conditions.

- I have also tried to import the mesh into CFX and the result is better since CFX separates the domain and the faces to allow the assignment of boundary conditions. Through that way I have exported the cfx-pre-case and try to import it under ICEM or Fluent but it gives me degenerated faces and I do not know why ?!

Here is the mesh under CFX which is editable :

Is there a way to import a CGNS into ICEM by separating every faces? Or do you know something that can unstuck me since I am running out of ideas to read this mesh !

Thank you very much
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Old   March 14, 2013, 13:34
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To reply to those who have the same problem has me, the only way that I found to bias the problem is the following :

- In the CFX window (posted above) select each face that you want to be in the same part
- Apply a CUSTOM boundary condition with a specific name (I made this a long time ago so I do not exactly remember)
- Do this for all the parts that you want to have
- Save as a CFX-pre case which can be imported under ICEM

For my case I did not apply boundary conditions on internal faces this I did not required a multiblock mesh but an unstructured one but I think it is possible to do this for every face and under ICEM separate the mesh with the given faces because under ICEM every cells will be in the same part, I did not find a way to export directly a multiblock mesh !

I hope this will help you guys !

Good luck
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Old   April 25, 2013, 11:53
Default Problem in importing CGNS file to FLUENT
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Hi 1080,

recently I met a problem when I import CGNS file into ANYSYS FLUENT 13.0. The CGNS file I imported is written by my own code, which use CGNS AIP.

The problem is that the CGNS file imported into FLUENT shows that no boundary condition exits in FLUENT and the error message is "Read_cgns_var: out of memory."
Mesh is right, but I just don't know why there is no boundary condition in it.
- I used CGNS AIP: such as cg_boco_write(..), like the examples shows.

And I try to import the same CGNS file into Tecplot, which shows that mesh and Boundary conditions are all right.

I hope you can help me find this problem out.


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Old   January 20, 2022, 13:57
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I have a mesh in cgns format (multi-block structured mesh) and I should modify it for the boundary conditions (vel inlet, periodic, outlet). I tried to load it in icem but it doesn't give any answer, therefore, I would be interested in loading it in icem. Could you help me?
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Old   April 3, 2022, 19:18
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Originally Posted by orss_st View Post
I have a mesh in cgns format (multi-block structured mesh) and I should modify it for the boundary conditions (vel inlet, periodic, outlet). I tried to load it in icem but it doesn't give any answer, therefore, I would be interested in loading it in icem. Could you help me?
You open ICEM, go to File -> Import Mesh -> From CGNS.
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Old   April 3, 2022, 19:19
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You open ICEM, go to File -> Import Mesh -> From CGNS.

Edit: Tried quick reply, not sure how this person will see my reply. This is why you start your own thread instead of hijacking.
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