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[ANSYS Meshing] Periodic boundary for heat exchanger

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Old   November 11, 2011, 08:43
Default Periodic boundary for heat exchanger
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Kevin Van Looveren
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 11
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kvloover is on a distinguished road

I'm new to cfd as I'm learning it for my thesis, so I'll apologize in advance for my rather rudementary question

I'm trying to model a louver-finned heat exchanger and I got a bit stuck at the boundary conditions of the top and bottem interface:
I want them to be periodic (flowing out of the top = flowing in at the bottem)

Now i got this to work using the text commands in fluent using:
However, this means that every time I alter my mesh / update my project using the workbench, I have to redo these steps

So my question is:
How do u define periodic boundary (translation) in ansys mesher, so that I don't have to redo the modifying of the zones every time.

So far I've tried:
Adding match control and making the faces into 1 named section called 'periodic'
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ansys meshing, periodic boundary

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