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[TGrid] Inlet passage in turbogrid.

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Old   September 5, 2010, 12:34
Default Inlet passage in turbogrid.
New Member
Luis Jose Martinez Laurentin
Join Date: Aug 2010
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soldimix15 is on a distinguished road
Greetings. Im doing a single stage simulation under cavitation of a centrifugal pump, in fact, i am only simulating one blade passage. i have had a little bit of trouble on turbogrid, i want the inlet of the passage to be as far away of the blade as possible (meaning, on the very inlet of the impeller). I have imported the curves from Cfturbo 5.0. When i click on the option "Initialize points to full extents of Hub curve ", and then proceed to generate the passage, the following error appears

The hub radius at the inlet of the blade passage is too small. Try moving the blade passage inlet closer to the blade.

the geometry of the blade passage is the following
and as you can see, that is the place where i want the inlet to be, and also where i am having the error message.

so my question is, how can i fix this error without moving too much the inlet from where i want it to be? right now i have ran the simulation without that option, and the default inlet surface is insside the passage near the blade, but i want to study the flow from the very inlet of the impeller. This is for my thesis, so i would really ppreciate any help. Thanks
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