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[GAMBIT] 3d boundary layer meshing problem

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Old   August 24, 2010, 09:13
Exclamation 3d boundary layer meshing problem
B. Selenbas
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 37
Rep Power: 16
bugra is on a distinguished road
Hi everybody,

I want to generate a 3d mesh for a geometry which is not a quite good shape to generate structured mesh but I devided the model to the little bricks and It can be meshed as structured now. But the problem is that, for example, on the fins, I have to use unstructured mesh on the tips and bottom side and combine this to the adjacent bricks (which are structured, the surfaces have quad mesh). At the same time, I use boundary layer mesh and there occurs thin and tall elements on the surfaces so those are not convenient for unstructured mesh.

Qstn 1: Is there a way to mesh these regions like hanging nodes? If yes, how?
2: Is there any other way to generate a 3d mesh like this?

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3d mesh, quad, quad mesh for fins, structured, structured-unstructured

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