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[ICEM] Interfacing between two domains

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Old   May 27, 2010, 12:07
Default Interfacing between two domains
Join Date: Apr 2009
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sandeep_tu is on a distinguished road
Dear users,

I have two surface meshes (i dont have the geometry, have only meshes), loaded it into ICEM and trying to combine these two to have an interface for modelling CHT, can anyone help me how can i do this.

Meshes----A manikin(human body) and chair, have to combine these two meshes as a manikin sitting on the chair, so that we have an interface between human back, seat and chair.

Any one have an idea how can i do this in ICEM.

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Old   May 28, 2010, 11:10
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Simon Pereira
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There isn't a single button that says "merge surface meshes with a tolerance", but there are lots of other "interactive" ways to handle this. To reduce this list down to the best suggestion, some Q&A.

Are they triangle meshes or quad meshes?

Do you need to keep both mesh layers separate (but aligned and connected) or can we just merge them together into one layer in the overlapping regions?

Can you post a screen shot?

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Old   May 29, 2010, 05:55
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sandeep_tu is on a distinguished road
Hi Simon,

thanks for reply.

1. they are triangular meshes (surface mesh)

2. I need to keep both mesh layers separate (but aligned and connected), so that i have interfacing at the connection between two parts.

images are attached have a look

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Old   June 6, 2010, 09:23
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Simon Pereira
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I assume you intended to move them closer to the seats first...

Since the two meshes don't align at all now, and you want to keep both sides, this turns out to be a largely manual process. You could copy the mesh in the patch of the back that you want to touch... Offset the copy by a distance that puts it roughly at the chair back and increment the part name so you can look at it separately. Then project the copied mesh to the surface geometry of the seat. Then delete the seat elements in that area. Then use the create elements option to create a few elements between you copy of the back mesh and the surrounding chair mesh... You don't need to create all the elements, just enough to connect it (like a bridge out to the island). Then you can use the options to either "stich edges" or "Remesh from Edges" to fill in the rest of the gap... Then you will create line elements (RBE2, ridged body elements) between the nodes of the back and the copy...

The reason we have not automated this more is that most customers prefer to just use "contact" in situations like this. You can define contact interactively or using automatic (proximity) tools in ICEM CFD. Our output supports Abaqus, ANSYS, LS-Dyna, and Autodyn contact. I heard Nastran finally added support for contact, but we do not support it directly yet. However, you could just create the contact anyway and it will at least go out as different pids in the Nastran file and you can setup the contact definition between those PIDs manually.
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