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[ICEM] Importing a set of triangles into ICEM CFD

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Old   November 9, 2009, 01:02
Thumbs down Importing a set of triangles into ICEM CFD
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Ram Ranjan
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I want to create a set of triangles in ICEM CFD. Information available to me is the vertex coordinates and connectivity of each triangle. I tried doing .stl file but it makes one whole surface out of all triangles which I do not want. I could not create a .tin file (from information on its syntax available on internet ) which could be imported into ICEM. Is there an easy way which I am missing?
Is it possible to triangulate a set of vertices imported into ICEM?
Thanks a lot for any help!
- Ram
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Old   November 9, 2009, 21:55
Default Hmm...
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Simon Pereira
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I am not really clear on what you want to do, but perhaps you could create a script that would create the triangles in ICEM CFD from a list of points taking them three at a time?

If you can explain more, I may have a better idea of your end goal and provide another solution.
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Old   November 9, 2009, 22:02
Default thank you very much
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Ram Ranjan
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Writing a script file would be excellent and very much similar to what journal files do in case of gabmit. I was unable to find a suitable reference which talk about generating these script files. Can you point me to right reference?

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Old   November 9, 2009, 22:05
Default problem
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Ram Ranjan
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The problem is as simple as: importing a set of triangles - grouping them as a surface (in order to prescribe same boundary condition on those triangles); importing another set of triangles and then grouping them again. In gambit, I do this by creating a .jou file (I can create faces from vertices and then group faces). I generate that jou file using Matlab. Can a similar thing be done in ICEM CFD?
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Old   November 12, 2009, 18:10
Default Programmers guide.
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Yes, ICEM CFD uses replay scripting. It is all tcl based, can batch drive the software, and doesn't change from release to release.

To get started, I recommend turning on the replay functionality and working interactively. This will give you a good idea of the command structure. You can then find out more about any command or about working with ICEM CFD scripting in general by looking in the Programmers Guide (under Help in ICEM CFD).

For instance, go into ICEM CFD, turn on the replay control window (will record commands). Then Import an STL file and assign it to a certain part...

1. ic_file_is_ascii {C:/My Documents/demo/TrumpetVHsc.stl}
2. ic_run_application_exec . icemcfd/output-interfaces stl2df {"C:/My Documents/demo/TrumpetVHsc.stl" "./tmpdomain0.uns" -fam TRUMPETVHSC}
4. ic_geo_import_mesh ./tmpdomain0.uns 1 1

11. ic_geo_set_part surface TRUMPETVHSC/0 TRUMPET 0
12. ic_geo_delete_family TRUMPETVHSC

The first few lines are about importing the STL file. Then line 11 is about putting its surface into a new part (called Trumpet). Then line 12 is about deleting the old part...

If you need more scripting help, I can give you the names of the best ICEM CFD tech support person near you. If you are in India, I recommend Lalan Singh in our Bangalore office.
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Old   November 12, 2009, 18:13
Default Process? End goal?
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One more thought...

You haven't explained what your end goal is yet, but I suspect this is the hard way to get there with ICEM CFD.

If we talk a bit more about what you want to do, perhaps we can tell you the easiest way to get there with ICEM CFD instead of just trying to replicate your Gambit process.

Where are these triangles coming from?
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gambit, icem cfd, importing data, meshing

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