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Modifying Gambit DBS file Created from MixSim 2

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Old   August 7, 2009, 10:32
Default Modifying Gambit DBS file Created from MixSim 2
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gkennedy3 is on a distinguished road
Hi, all. I used the latest version of MixSim to generate a tank geometry with impellers, baffles, coils, etc. However, I would like to introduce some jets at the bottom of the tank to this geometry which MixSim is unable to do satisfactorily as I'm trying to avoid just adding multiple projecting inlets at the bottom which do not accurately represent what I have in mind.

I loaded the DBS file into Gambit and removed the mesh in the area where I want to modify the geometry. I then created the jet volume (more specifically the geometry I wish to subtract from the main volume to create an internal pipe) but it gives me an error when I try to use any of the "intersect", "subtract", etc. commands. Why might the main volume not behave as any other volume when trying to use these commands?

I will get the exact error message later, but at the moment I am unable to do so.

Thank you for your insight and help.

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