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[ANSYS Meshing] Structured 3D mesh

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Old   January 24, 2024, 20:51
Red face Structured 3D mesh
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Tomás Ortiz
Join Date: Jan 2024
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Hello to everyone.

Currently, I am trying to make an structured mesh in a subdomain for carrying out a sliding mesh simulation of a drone rotor in forward flight.

I found a project where they did the grid using ICEM and block meshing. However, I lack of knowledge on ICEM CFD meshing so I tried to split the geometry and then to proceed with edge sizing and face meshing. It seemed to be working at least until I tried to refine it. Face meshing and inflation layers are incompatible so I tried to introduce Bias in order to capture the boundary layer and to ensure a low WallY+. Neverthless, I cannot mesh if I increase to much the partitions in the edges that fix the layers normal to the airfoil or if I set a bigger bias growing factor. The smallest cells I can obtain is by setting 80 partitions in the edge and a Growing factor of 5. However, regarding my estimations that will not be enough for ensuring low wallY+ treatment. (chord 0.02m, ground level atmospheric conditions and air as a fluid. 3500 rpm with 0.2m of radios and 10m/s of forward speed... Re at the tip around 150k).

Iwill attach images of the mesh and also the grid I founded generated with ICEM. I have pointed out the edges where I cannot reduce the size of the cells anymore.

If anyone has a suggestion of how I could reduce the first cell height even more with the current mesh or a good tutorial for ICEM that could be helpfull for the grid generation, I would really appreciate it.

Captura de pantalla 2024-01-25 002834.jpg

Captura de pantalla 2024-01-25 004003.jpg

Captura de pantalla 2024-01-25 004122.jpg

Captura de pantalla 2024-01-25 004230.jpg
tomasOrt is offline   Reply With Quote


bias, fluent, icem 3d blocking, meshing

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